Roof Rack Rod Carrier – Heavy duty
CARRYING fishing rods on a vehicle in a bull bar style rod holder can be distracting to the driver.
The new Alvey Rod Holders attach to the ends of your cross bar roof rack system, keeping rod and reel combos rigged ready to fish on the side of the vehicle.
For highway or beach driving, rods and reels are secure and easy to reach from the side of the vehicle. Rods can be easily strapped on to the holders with Alvey Rod wraps.
Rod holders can be fitted to roof rack crossbars in minutes. The wider holder goes on the rear crossbar and the smaller holder goes on the front.
Also handy for trips to the hardware store to pick up pipes or long timber lengths.
Two styles are available, one to suit the Heavy Duty Crossbar and one to suit the Sports Style Crossbar.
For specifications on this product please go to our Australian website:
Delivery Available
Warranty Covered
A Better way to fish